In today’s market, you have anyone that owns an iPhone calling themselves a director or cameraman. Or anyone that can push a button calling themselves a Photographer. These are hobbyists. Unless you have run a crew of 20 or more, or have used a generator to host more that five lighting units, or can use an incident and spot meter or know every item in a grip truck, you are a hobbyist. All of whom have no idea how a client is spending money, not only on production, but on media as well. For this reason, perspectives on professionalism should revert back to the days when people devoted themselves to the craft and not just winging it because they get instant results. Technology doesn’t make you a professional, experience does—and that you learned from professionals.
You’re far better off hiring those who know how to handle a production and not leave it in the hands of someone that took a week to shoot their last YouTube sensation. Especially, when you only have one day to shoot. Yes, expertise is being over looked in this industry because people keep forgetting to see the big picture of protecting brand identity, capturing and swaying consumer impressions, and making media dollars count. It’s not about the sheer volume of eyeballs alone. It’s about what those eyeballs think and do, a more astute observation of qualification over quantification.